I’m truly really starting to believe that certain things happen to force us to slow down.
A lesson is repeated untill it’s learned and there’s been a few messages my body has been giving me the last 6 months trying to tell me to slow down and I haven’t listened and my body has started to break down which has forced me to make big changes and slow down.
Chronic back pain, massive anxiety attacks and a few other health problems caused by stress, worry and not enough rest time. .
I’m grateful for the challengers and pain as these tools I’m learning through the process will serve me forever , emotionally and physically. I’m really excited to see where I’m at this time next year after implanting change , listening to my body and leaning into the work I need to do instead of just pushing through and hustling like I have been the last few years. .
What message has your body been giving you lately that your ignoring? Time to check in? 🥰