I’ll be completely honest. Today...

I’ll be completely honest. Today hasn’t been my happiest. I’ve felt stuck. Lost. Scared. Worried. Emotional. I miss training, I already miss normality , I miss seeing everyone happy , I miss connection, I miss planning and working on @baseline, I miss seeing all my team members bubbly faces / it’s almost like we are all on pause right now. And yes I’m still finding gratitude and the silver lining most days but today not so much and that’s ok. Today I I even had to beg a women online in my DMS to stop msging me as her lectures about me touching my husband, taj and best friend was just too much. Even after I explained to her i was not coping with today she laughed and told me I was pathetic and being a victim - I just wanted her to stop the msgs and be kind but she just couldn’t and ended up telling me to jump off a bridge because no one would notice or care. Lovely 😢 not saying this for sympathy I’m just reminding you all words can hurt , words can have impact , let’s make it positive impact🙏🏼 I understand everyone’s struggling and stressed - we have all been affected and it hurts, I really hope everyone’s stress and upset doesn’t get projected to anyone and everyone online , strangers or loved ones as we are all struggling - online bullying is already something so many struggle with and you’d think in a time like now we would all ban together to just spread some love. A virus is spreading but so can kindness. Instagram is filled with so many pretty photos , but remember behind each smile, filter and pretty hair and makeup we are all doing the best we can and some days are tough no matter who we are or how easy you “ think” someone has it online. 🙏🏼

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