The work life integration or juggle or blend whatever you want to call it. It’s a Real thing.
Taj has been home sick the last few days , he’s not super sick but I just wanted to keep him home from daycare and give him loads of quiet time, sunshine , super healthy food and rest / but it does make the juggle a little tougher. Yes I have amazing supportive people around me but I’m def guilty of trying to handle too much at once.
Making it all flow and work and get all priorities and deadlines done and look after everything, everyone and every buisness is tough and exhausting but an amazing privilege as well that I’m so grateful to be apart of it all with everyone involved in this whirlwind ride !!
Everything that’s going on in my life right now is SOOOOO bloody exciting, like lose sleep I’m so excited type excitement haha but also stressful and I honestly just had to smash out a few hours of work today then shut my laptop , taj woke up and off to the beach we went which was sooooo nice - so grateful for being able to be with my baby when he needs me and also to the support around me to help me meet my deadlines and get my tasks done as well.
I always want to inspire Taj to work hard and dream big so I need to be the waking example of that - kids do as we do not as we say so I need to walk the walk but I’d be Lieing if I said it was easy but I know that it’s all worth it🙏🏼
Any other mums and working boss babes - feeling the feels , the pull, the stress AND the love , gratitude, fulfilment all at one - I feel YOU! 🥰