Steve and I had a...

Steve and I had a huge Deep and meaningful convo today - I love when we go deep and create space for each other to really open up and just support each other and connect. It started just from us saying how grateful we are to have Taj and each other. No matter what else is going on in the world , when you are surrounded by love it really is all that matters. Never take those around you for granted - show up for them daily , remind them they are loved always and another MASSIVE lesson I’ve learned lately is the OPPOSITE of clear communication is to assume. Never assume anything, ask. Not just in intimate relationships but friends , family , work etc always Communicate clearly with love and compassion to create deeper , more loving connected relationships. I’m far from perfect and I’m practicing and learning all the time , but my focus is to always be aware work , grow and be open on all things that are important to me and LOVE is top of my list ❤️

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