Life really does go in seasons hey, sometimes life feels so easy and fun and motivating and like nothing can stop you - other times not so much!
Behind every happy smiley Instagram pic is still a girl trying her best. There is moments of self doubt moments of sadness frustration and moments where im not sure what the next move is.
I do understand life is not always rainbows and butterflies but in the next few weeks I’ll be filming a YouTube video explaining something I’ve been struggling with the last 6 months or so. Yes I’ve still had and still have incredible moments and even through every hard time I’ve had so much to be excited about and grateful for which I still am - but doesn’t mean I’m a robot and things are always easy.
I always thought a leader was someone who had it all worked out and had all their “ shit “ together but it’s not true. It’s someone who’s brave to be vulnerable and someone who falls down but always gets back up and tries again no matter what - it’s someone who is ok always being a work in progress no matter how that looks. I always want to be honest and real with you all and anything I share is always in hope to teach or inspire or just simply help someone else know they aren’t alone.
Friendly reminder to check in on your “ strong “ friends , a simple msg and genuine how are you goes a long way. I’m so grateful to have had incredible support through some tough times and I never take that for granted. 🙏🏼💛